Block J :Level 2 corridor

Instruments used for the Measurement

Block J :Level 2 corridor
Instruments used for the Measurement
Measuring tapes
Set square
Green tape
Setting up of measurement stations
3 stations were set up to collect the data. At each station, one measuring tape was used to measure the height of the subject and another measuring tape was used to measure the length of the left foot
We calibrated the measuring tapes by measuring the length of a bench with both tapes and noted that both tapes gave us the same reading of 50.5cm.

We ensured that the measuring tape was not slanted by measuring the distance between the measuring tape and the edge of the wall at several points and noted that they were of the same distance.
Foot Length Measurement Set up
We used a setsquare to ensure that the measuring tape was not slanted, this was done to increase the accuracy of our measurement and hence the consistency during the measurement.
A complete set up of Measurement Station 1

Trial Run
Before the actual data collection was conducted, a trial run was carried out within the group such that everyone in the group follow a standardized way of measuring both the height and foot length to increase the inter-rater reliability and hence the consistency of the data collection
For instance, we ensured that our eyes were in line with the reading to prevent Parallax Error:

Actual Data Collection
Brief Overview
On the actual day, 3 measurement stations were set up. Members in charge of the measurement station measured both the height and foot length. Subjects were required to take their measurements in all the 3 stations. The purpose of having 3 stations is so that we could obtain an average reading and get a more accurate result. Forms were given to the subjects where they had to fill up their particulars such as age and gender. Names and contact particulars were not taken down to ensure anonymity. Subjects were allowed to start at any station and at any sequence as long as they completed all 3 stations.
Target Group
NYP Students
Age group: 17-35
Role Distribution
Photo Taking
Crowd Control
Measurement of Variable 1: Height in centimeters
Factors to take note during measurement
-Posture of subject: The subject should be standing upright against the wall and looking straight.
-Parallax error when measuring the height.
-Removal of subject’s footwear
-Take the measurement from the highest point of the head
-Position of the subject: The measuring tape should be approximately in line with the middle of the subject’s body.
Measurement of Variable 2 :Left Foot Length in centimeters

Factors to take note during measurement
- The foot is totally flat on the ground and the heel should be in contact with the box.
- Parallax Error when measuring the length.
- Position of the subject’s foot: The measuring tape should be approximately in line with the middle of the subject’s foot.
-Removal of subject’s footwear.
-The foot length was measured from the posterior aspect of the calcaneus to the tip of the longest toe
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