Through this module I’ve learned that data collection and its analysis is important for research. A hypothesis can only be proven true with the backing of the data presented. . I think that the module will indeed be helpful for us for our FYP next year since we were thought to use the SPSS software. The software does indeed save time for data analysis. The module has also made me aware that statically research is important in proving the use of certain treatments (i.e. evidence-based practice.)

Touching more on the project itself, it was quite interesting to learn about the different body proportions that Davinci had hypothesized.
It was good that we decided to come in early, in the day to set up the measuring stations, as it was less disruptive and we could really ensure that we set it up as accurately as we possibly could.

We also had run a trial run where we measured each other’s height and foot length prior to the real run. I feel that it was good that we did so because when we were measuring the height and foot length, everyone in the team followed the same method of measurement and positioning of the subjects. Also, since the stations were clearly marked, the subjects knew where they had to go next and it was pretty organized and the data collection expect of the project ran smoothly.

Throughout the course of the project, we faced several problems both technical and in terms of proficiency.
One of the major ones I would highlight would be the methods used to measure the height and length of the left foot of a person. It was challenging because we had to make sure that the measuring tapes were placed accurately to avoid poor results. Also, the correct landmarks to measure the length of the left foot was debatable. We could not decide on which landmark best fits the definition of length of left foot. However, they were resolved in no time as a result of doing more researches which deepened our understanding.
Other than that, I feel that there are a few areas where my group can improve on. One of them would be being prepared for a certain task. This includes finalising on certain things before proceeding with the next step. In this case, we would be clearer of our role and what we are required to do as well as to avoid wasting time doing something unproductive and inefficiently.
Because we are new to the statistics tabulating program, most of us were not competent enough to tabulate the information we have gathered from the subjects. We had to refer to the manual which was troublesome and time consuming. Despite this, we still managed to get it done after getting used to the program which made us more familiar with the functions in it. Hence, in the near future, we should ensure that we know how to use a certain program before using it or if not, seek help from others when in doubt.
All in all, this project was a successful one due to our openness to new ideas and giving constructive feedbacks and not forgetting, responsible group members who did their respective parts with pride.

This project has taught me several things. Firstly, it is important to ensure that our measurements are reliable so as to accurately tabulate and analyse the data. And to ensure reliability, there are many steps that we have to go through such as the calibration of the measuring devices . Although it was troublesome, it served us well in the later part of our project.
I have also learnt that good organization is very crucial to the completion of our project. During the first time we carried out our measurement, it was chaotic and confusing, as we could not decide on the length which we wanted to measure and the position we wanted our participants to be in during measurement. Hence, we called off the first measurement session and discussed among ourselves how we were going to carry out the measurement (eg: setting up of booths). We came to a conclusion and re-did the measurement, and this time, we were able to take the measurements in an orderly manner. Through this project, I have realised the importance of organization and will incorporate it into my future research projects.

This project was not a smooth sailing one. We encountered many problems, such as not being able to come to a conclusion on our research topic. However, all the group members were very open to ideas and we were able to decide on the topic without any conflicts. During the course of the project, we helped each other out and that is the reason why the project can be successfully completed. Teamwork plays an integral part in the completion of a project and I am glad that our group had made it through this journey.

This project has been a good learning experience for me. I have learnt many useful skills such as planning, analyzing, collecting data and managing a blog which will definitely come in handy during my Year 3 FYP. Also it is through this project that I blog for the very first time in my life and it is definitely not an easy process. Moreover my groupmates and I faced many obstacles in the process of planning the sequence and environment of the data collection. We had to constantly change our plan and position of instruments to increase the reliability of our data and we had difficulties finding enough subjects for our project. Nevertheless we manage to solve the problems and I hope that with this experience, it will better prepare me for my FYP next year.  

The Statistic module has been very informative. Data collection for 50 participants was very tedious, imagine having collect for more than 100 data. However, the project itself has allowed me to be able to explore how to use SPSS more effectively. I think that the module has been simple enough to equip me with the skill required to do data collection and analysis for simple research projects. I also learnt that data collection must be planned beforehand and be consistent, or else the data collected will not be valid. Things like the equipment to use, how we are going to set up the flow for the participants to go, the way we measure, all contributes to the accuracy and reliability of our data.